Blog tagged as Business Ideas
Does your business manage complexity by making things more complicated?
18.07.23 04:00 PM - Comment(s)
One of the common problems in innovation is "Not thinking Long Term" about Innovation Strategy focusing on breakthrough ideas. Most businesses tend to focus more on short term goals & results than thinking from a long term perspective of achieving something different but right. Studies...
05.06.21 12:22 PM - Comment(s)
Building a safety habit during Covid-19 in organisations in 2 months.
05.06.21 12:21 PM - Comment(s)
LIFE OF BUSINESS believes the innovation success happens in the Art & Science of Idea Transformation through mindset, strategy, practice and system together over time.
05.06.21 12:21 PM - Comment(s)
The Ultimate Guide of Business Idea Managment and Deelopment
05.06.21 12:19 PM - Comment(s)