Building a safety habit during Covid-19 in an Organisation

05.06.21 12:21 PM Comment(s)

Safety Punch Card Idea

Building a safety habit during Covid-19 in organisations in 2 months.

A behaviour or action becomes a habit when it goes and stays in our subconscious mind not only be conscious about it. One of the ways to build a habit in our subconscious mind is repetition, and it can take an average of 66 days for a person to form a new habit (Atomic Habits by James Clear, New York Times bestselling book). For example, we are changing gears in a manual car without thinking much about it. For change a behaviour, James is saying we should answer these four questions.

          • How can I make it obvious?
          • How can I make it attractive?
          • How can I make it easy?
          • How can I make it satisfying?

My Idea: Writing is more effective than speaking, and the idea responds to the above changing habit four questions.

Safety Punch Card - Building a habit of Covid-19 safety in 2 months

This is only for people who have to be physically at offices or sites. The idea comes from Clock card machine or punch clock when we arrive and leave an office. It is now "Safety Habit Recorder" for Covid-19 where everyone writes a post note on a whiteboard/office board when they arrive and leave office/site by answering 4 questions that record the start and end times of everyone Covid-19 safety Habit during a day for 2 months.

Write on post note (Your name + date + Question No + Your response to each question on a whiteboard or an office board every day.

At the start of a Day:

1. What am I going to do today to keep myself and others safe? For example, follow 1.5 distance, Telling others out loud, using a Rubberband to remind me

At the End of a Day:

2. What have I done today to stay safe?

3. How many time did I notify or remind others to stay safe?

4. What else could we do together to keep safe?

The action of an organiser of each site/office in Every day:

      • Take a photo of the board 
      • Post the photo on the Workplace group every day from different sites
      • Reward/endorse the most useful and interesting idea or action or answer

It can start with only question 1 then and gradually adding the questions 2,3,4 over days to improve it.
